Compositore e media-artist, dalla metà degli anni ottanta dedica la propria attività principalmente alla musica e al video. In ambito musicale da vita ai progetti MINOX, TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, 4DKILLER, ONU-J, SCHNITT, e DRAMA, collabora con artisti nazionali e internazionali quali Steven Brown e Blaine Reininger di Tuxedomoon, Lydia Lunch, Nobukazu Takemura, Gentle People, Krisma, Murcof e Daedelus. Negli anni novanta crea le label SUITE inc. e SUITEQUE etichette discografiche indipendenti dedite alla promozione e diffusione di musica elettronica. Nel 2000 crea SUITEVISION visual-label indipendente dedicata alla produzione video. Nello stesso anno con lo pseudonimo DRAMA crea DRAMASCOPE, un progetto multimediale che combina musica, video e fotografia. Con questo progetto partecipa negli anni successivi al Festival del Cinema di Venezia, Kulturama Festival in Belgio, Electronism Festival in Spagna e molti altri festival nazionali ed internazional.                 Nel 2007 in collaborazione con Amelie Duchow dà vita al progetto SCHNITT un connubio artistico italo/tedesco scaturito dal comune interesse per il suono di ricerca. Nello stesso anno                 Schnitt pubblica “Pferdchen” per l’etichetta svizzera Invisible Recordings/IT’S e partecipa alla compilation “Snob Night” (Video-Radio/ Rai Trade) e il progetto “Minimalismo Italiano”                 (Registrazioni Italiane). Nel 2009 collabora per la parte audio e video con l’artista Arianna Carossa alla realizzazione di installazioni ed esposizioni toccando importanti gallerie e centri d’arte contemporanea. Nel 2010 Marco Monfardini crea SYNC, piattaforma per artisti visivi e sonori. Sempre nel 2010 con il progetto Schnitt presenta SYNCHROPATH un audio video performance basata sul sincronismo come metodo di composizione. Dopo l’uscita del DVD con Synchropath Schnitt partecipa a diversi festival nazionali e internazionali come Elektra Festival di Montreal, Gogbot festival in Olanda, Audiovisiva Festival al Museo della Scienza e Tecnologia di Milano, Robot festival a Bologna. Nel 2011 collabora per la parte sonora all’installazione “Trasfigurazione” di Emilio Cavallini presso la Triennale di Milano e all’installazione luminosa “Growing by Numbers” di Architettura Attuale presso grattacielo Pirelli Milano. Nel 2013 al Museo Marino Marini di Firenze per il Festival International Feel con il progetto Schnitt presenta l’uscita di SYNCHROPATH LP e nel 2014 al festival ephil in Germania presenta MEMORY CODE, un audio video performance incentrata sulla memoria visiva. Nel 2015 presso l’ex Tribunale di Firenze Marco Monfardini presenta DETECT, un progetto incentrato sul suono inudibile, suono generato da emissioni elettromagnetiche rilasciate da dispositivi elettronici e inudibili all’orecchio umano, nella stessa occasione viene presentato il vinile 10” DETECT det:scan. In collaborazione con Gianluca Sibaldi nel 2016 sviluppa 100 SCAN, un progetto che si articola in 100 sessioni performative basate sul dispositivo Hyperscan: uno scanner messo a punto dagli stessi in grado di leggere qualsiasi oggetto, struttura architettonica o essere vivente nei suoi elementi formali, tradotti in tempo reale in suoni e immagini video.
MARCO MONFARDINI | discography
MARCO MONFARDINI | curatorial 2013 – artistic direction for  audio video festiva “INTENATIONAL FEEL” | Museo Marino Marini di Firenze
Albums / Singles / DVD MARCO MONFARDINI – Detect det:scan – 10” – Sync – sc.006 - 2015 MARCO MONFARDINI - Retun  - CD   EXTRASync - 2010 SCHNITT – Synchropath – LP – Sync – sc.004 - 2013 SCHNITT - Synchropath  - DVD Sync  sc-001 - 2010   SCHNITT - Pferdchen  - 12"  IT'S 001 - 2007 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – “Nemoretum Sonata” – CD – Suite inc. 11 - 2004 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA –  Beats and moviments  - CD - Suite inc. 6 - 1998                 MINOX - "U Turn" - CD/12" reissue + 2 bonus track (SiC 003) 2008 MINOX - "Lazare" - CD/12" reissue + 4 bonus tracks (SiC 001) 2008 MINOX –  Downworks   - CD  - Suite inc.9 MINOX and LYDIA LUNCH - U turn - CDs  - Suite inc. 7 MINOX –  Plaza  - CDs  -   Suite inc.1 MINOX –  Lazare - mlp  -  IDL lacer9 MINOX –  Suite maniacal - 7”    -  IDL lacer5 4DKILLER – Sex crime and toys -  CD  - Suiteque STQ 01 Compilation appearances DRAMA – Fannie la Matin - “Suitable 3 the downbeatniks” - CD (STQ 06) 2003 SCHNITT  - A in Rome -  "Snob Night compilation" - CD (Video-Radio/RAI Trade) 2007 SCHNITT  - Rialto – “Minimalismo Italiano” – CD  (Registrazioni Italiane) - 2007 ONU-J –  J-Hotel  - "Suitable 1 the radical house connection” - CD (STQ 04) 2002 ONU-J –  Robotic-O - "Suitable 1 the radical house connection - CD (STQ 04) 2002 ONU-J vs 4DKILLER – Racin’ in the Rain- “Suitable 0 the psycho lounge collective - CD (STQ 03) 2000 ONU-J vs 4DKILLER – Hello Maiorax  - “Suitable 0 the psycho lounge collective” - CD (STQ 03) 2000 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – Kicks  & Gigs "Elettrowave 05" - CD (Edel) 2005 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – Satyricon 808 "Digisuite Sampler 1" CD (DGS 01) 2000 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – The Doomsroom "Digisuite Sampler 1" CD (DGS 01) MINOX and TAKEMURA – Plaza - "Da Beat"  - CD (Vitaminic) 2004 MINOX – Tribute to the End - - “Suitable 3 the downbeatniks” - CD (STQ 06) 2003 MINOX and GENTLE PEOPLE  – Cobalt  - “Suitable 3 the downbeatniks” - CD (STQ 06) 2003 MINOX - Plaza –  "Digisuite Sampler 1" CD (DGS 01) 2000 MINOX – DoinaDub –  "Digisuite Sampler 1" CD (DGS 01) 2000 MINOX and LYDIA LUNCH – U Turn –  "Ten Years After" CD - Factory 24/G3G 1999 MINOX  – Interlude - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 MINOX  – Mondo communications  - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 MINOX  – Radio Bond - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 MINOX –  Interluding - "VoxPop 1994" - CD (VoxPop/Emi) 1994 4DKILLER –  "Chill Out Experience" - CD (Vitaminic) 2003 4DKILLER –  On the Sofa  - "Suitable 1 the radical house connection” - CD (STQ 04) 2002 4DKILLER – Killer Cha Cha - “Suitable 0 the psycho lounge collective” - CD (STQ 03) 2000 4DKILLER – On the Beach - “Suitable 0 the psycho lounge collective” - CD (STQ 03) 2000 4DKILLER – Disappointing Call - “Suitable 0 the psycho lounge collective” - CD (STQ 03) 2000 4DKILLER – Web Crimes –  "Digisuite Sampler 1" CD (DGS 01) 2000 4DKILLER – Stop - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 4DKILLER – Boxavoodo  - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 4DKILLER – Poverty Row - “B Movie Show” - CD (Suite inc. 2) 1996 Remix DRAMA –  Intencity - PATO M – CDs - (Invisible Recordings) 2002 4DKILLER – Plaza – MINOX – CDs – (Suite inc.1) 1996 4DKILLER – Superbass  – DUBITAL  – 12”– (Suite inc.4) 1996 TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – U Turn MINOX and LYDIA LUNCH - CDs  - (Suite inc. 7) Productions                2015 – artist : ANNA GRANATA  project : RE-EDITH  – CD  and audio/video Performance                2013 – artist : AMELIE DUCHOW project : TONSTICH – LP album and audio/video Performance                2012 – artist : THEMA project : THEMA live – audio/video Performance                2011 – artist : CLIZIA  project: KOMBINAT – LP album and audio/video Performance                2010 – artist : SCHNITT  project: SYNCHROPATH – DVD, LP album and audio/video Performance                2009 -  artist : MISSQLEE – Miss q lee - CD - Suiteque - STQ 08 - album and audio/video performance                2008 -  artist : TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA -  project:  NEMORETUM SONATA – CD e audio/video Performance                2009 -  artist : ENFANTRONIQUE - Ecole 72 - CD - Suiteque - STQ 07 - album and audio/video performance                2006 -  artist : TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA  project :  BEATS and MOVEMENTS – CD and audio/video Performance                2005 -  artist : DUBITAL   project :  LITE – CD and audio/video Performance         MARCO MONFARDINI | music for installations, film, dance DRAMA – “Q” – Audioloop per installazione Arianna Carossa/Marco Monfardini 2008 DRAMA – “Devi Imparare il Piano” musica per short movie Devi Imparare il Piano 2008 (unreleased) DRAMA – “AirLoop” Audioloop per AirGym videoloop 2008 (unreleased) DRAMA – “Kap” musica per short movie 2008 (unreleased)  DRAMA – “Pianotest” musica per short movie 2008 (unreleased) MINOX – “Seagull” colonna Sonora per il film Seagull USA 2005 (unreleased) MINOX – “Cefalo e Procri” musica per balletto 1991 MINOX – “Hommage” musica per installazione 1990
MARCO MONFARDINI | selected video works 2013 | Tonstich | visuals for Amelie Duchow performance 2013 | visuals for Murcof performance 2013 | Alpi Occidentali| visuals for Alpin Folks performance 2012 | visuals for Thema performance 2012 | Memory Cam | video for Memory Cam audio/video installation 2011 | Kombinat | visuals for Clizia performance 2010 | Synchropath | video for Schnitt performance 2010 | Error | video 2009 | 90 Fear recordings | video 2008 | Air Gym | videoloop | 2008 | FrAm | visuals for Fraulein Amelie mix set 2008 | Die Jugend | videoclip for Drama 2007 | Sizespec | visuals for Schnitt performance 2007 | Dramascope 3.0 | visuals for Drama performance 2007 | SV | visuals for Schnitt performance 2005 | Dramascope 2.0 | visuals for Drama performance 2005 | Megmovie | visuals for Meg tour | visuals by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 2004 | Neoretum Sonata | visuals for Technophonic Chamber Orchestra live tour | visuals by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 2003 | Dramascope 1.0 | visuals for Drama performance 2001 | Dramascope | visuals for Drama performance 2000 | Four Acts | visuals for Drama spoken mix set 2000 | Uncensored | visuals for 4DKiller live set | visuals by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 1999 | Beats and Movements | visuals for Technophonic Chamber Orchestra live tour | visuals by M. Magnani, M. Monfardini 1998 | 4dk movie | visuals for 4DKiller live set | visuals by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 1996 | 3d dub | videoclip for Dubital | 1995 | S/N | visuals for SuiteNite | visuals by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 1994 | Plaza | videoclip for Minox | video by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani, L. Breschi 1989 | B Spy | short movie by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani 1984 | Suite Maniacal | video for Minox installation/piece | video by M. Monfardini, M. Magnani, R. Banci
MARCO MONFARDINI | installation | exhibition | screening 2013 | The Irrational City | sonorisation | Stazione Santa Lucia | Venezia 2013 | Memory Cam 2.0 | video installation | Stazione Leopolda | Firenze 2012 | ReCode 1.0 | sonorisation | Casa Masaccio Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea | San Giovanni Valdarno | Arezzo 2012 | Memory Cam 1.0 | audio7video installation| VHS | Reutlingen | Germany 2012 | Arte Aumentata | sonorisation | Villa Spada  | Bologna 2011 | Growing by Numbers | sonorisation for Growing by Numbers installation | Grattacielo Pirelli | Milano 2011 | Trasfigurazione | sonorisation for Emilio Cavallini exhibition | Triennale di Milano | Milano 2011 | Townscape | sonorisation for Conrad exhibition | ub | Firenze 2010 | Opening 2010 | video and sonorisation for Arianna Carossa exhibition | Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivara | Torino 2010 | Sotto il Bosco di Latte | sonorisation for Florencia Martinez exhibition | Arsprima Gallery | Milano 2008 | Experimenta Mundi | sonorisation for Arianna Carossa exhibition | Galleria Bianconi | Milano 2008 | Fero, Fers, Tuli, Latum, Ferre | sonorisation for Arianna Carossa exhibition | Galleria Aus18 | Milano 2008 | De Rerum Digitalis | sonorisation for Arianna Carossa exhibition | Festival della Creatività | Firenze 1989 | B Spy | screening | Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci | Prato
From the mid 80’ies Marco Monfardini works as a media artist dedicating his activities to sound research and video. He launched the music projects SCHNITT, THEMA, DRAMA, MINOX, TECHNOPHONIC CHAMBER ORCHESTRA AND 4D KILLER. Marco Monfardini collaborated with national and international artists as Steven Brown and Blaine Reininger of Tuxedomoon, Lydia Lynch, Nobukazu Takemura,The Gentle People, Krisma, Daedalus and Murcof. In the 90’ies he sets up the independent music labels SUITE INC. and SUITETEQUE – which focus on the promotion and distribution of electronic music. In 2000 Marco launches under his moniker DRAMA the media project DRAMASCOPE which combines music, video and photography, participating at the 56th edition of Festival del Cinema di Venezia, Kulturama Festival in Belgium, Electronism Festival in Spain and several other important international and national festivals. Marco Monfardini starts collaborating in 2006 with the german artist Amelie Duchow and they launch in 2007 their audio/video project SCHNITT, an artistic collaboration developed from the common interest for electronic music and visual art. In 2009 collaborates with the artist Arianna Carossa for the audio video part of installations and exhibitions in contemporary art spaces and galleries. In 2010 he creates the platform for audio video artists SYNC  In 2010 with the project Schnitt he presents SYNCHROPATH an audio/video project focused on a synchronism as a method of composing. With Synchropath, Schnitt participates at several international festivals as the Elektra Festival in Montreal, Gogbot Festival in Holland and at the Open Source Art Festival in Poland. 2011 for  the presentation of  the lighting installation GROWING BY NUMBERS at the Grattacielo Pirelli in  Milan, the duo Schnitt accompanies the event with a site specific sonorization. In 2011 Marco creates the sonorous part for the installation “ Trasfigurazione”  from Emilio Cavallini at the Triennale Milano. In 2015 he presents DETECT at the ex Tribunale in Florence, a project which examines the subject of inaudible sound, generated by electromagnetic emissions, deriving from  electronic devices and being inaudible to the human ear. DETECT det:scan is released on a trasparent 10” vinyl.  MEMORY CODE is the current project by Schnitt with the central focus on the visual memory. The audio visual live performance has been presented in contemporary art museums and audiovisual festivals throughout Europe and in Korea. In collaboration with Gianluca Sibaldi the duo SCHNITT presents the site specific audio/video performance SCANAUDIENCE for the opening of the LEV Festival in 2019; the live performance is based on the realtime scanning of the audience.